Free Tarot

Try now our Free Tarot Reading
We know that online tarot readings do not have the closeness that one carried out in a physical consultation could have, to mitigate this, it is very important that you follow highly recommended advice before carrying it out. The preparation of your mind and body is important and will always respond to the things that concern you. You do not need to be a regular user of the Tarot to be able to carry out our consultation for free, we put at your disposal this magical tool, developed by recognized professionals. Calmly thinking about what worries you, about your doubts in the future, is always a good start to the session.

Meditate deeply before anything else

To carry out this little preliminary meditation correctly, you have to be in total peace and do it with a lot of internal confidence. You will be surprised by our results, just clear your mind and focus on the question that worries you. Thinking of an impossible wish will also be of great help, since, if your doubt is related to something you want, it is always positive that you attract it with all your inner power.

Preparing the mind

We are going to start this previous preparation, it is very important that you are in a quiet place and away from the daily noise of life. If you are accompanied by someone, it is always better that they do not make any kind of noise and do not talk during the card reading. You can light incense beforehand to discharge bad vibrations and purify the environment, but you can also perform your card reading just using your inner concentration and tranquility.

It is convenient to light a candle of any kind to enhance the lighting of your future and put a glass of warm water next to you, to attract negative forces that you have at that moment. From the light of the candle, an illumination will come out that will make your future much more serene from this moment. Don't forget to breathe deeply, calm your heart and clear your mind of superfluous things. After this repeat the following:

With the strength of the Earthly Mother and my protective angels, I face this reading. I humbly ask this force to guide my path and help me find a clear path. The light that invades me protects me and will give me the necessary strength for my day to day. Land of the world, I trust you and I know you will respond.
From my place I call on you to give me the necessary knowledge. My heart cries out to you strongly and with the conviction that you answer my prayer and give me light on what I ask of you.

Thank the answer you will receive and start your free tarot reading now.

“The doubts that assailed me have dissipated since I found this tarot online. I use it frequently, at all hours, morning, afternoon and night, it always clears up the doubts that concern me. Thank you very much for making this Free Tarot available to us”Pilar E. Seville, Spain.
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